Presentations, Posters, & Panels | ICA 2018

The MNL is involved in 16 presentations this year at ICA. We are excited to share them with you!


Fri, May 25, 8:00 to 9:15, Hilton Prague, L, Amsterdam
Which Traits Shape Responses to Thought-Provoking Narrative Forms?
Lewis, R.J., Xu. F., Weber, R., & Tamborini, R.

Fri, May 25, 8:00 to 9:15, Hilton Old Town, M, Mozart II
Video Games, Gender, and Spatial Ability: Assessing the Matthew Effect
Lonergan, C., & Hegarty, M.

Fri, May 25, 12:30 to 13:45, Hilton Prague, LL, Congress Hall II
Political Attack Advertisements and Political Affiliation Modulate Cortical Intersubject Correlations Across the Moral Brain
Turner, B., Huskey, R., Amir, O., Weber, R

Sat, May 26, 8:00 to 9:15, Hilton Old Town, M, Haydn
Developing and Validating the Moral Foundations Dictionary for News Narratives: A Crowd-Sourced Approach
Hopp, F., Cornell, D, Fisher, J., Swanson, R., Gordon, A., Khooshabeh, P., Weber, R.

Sat, May 26, 9:30 to 10:45, Hilton Old Town, M, Mozart I
Individual Differences in Persuasive Message Processing
Turner, B., Huskey, R., Weber, R.

Sat, May 26, 11:00 to 12:15, Hilton Old Town, M, Dvorak I
“But How Are They Talked About?”: A Novel Measure of Entity Framing in Online News
Fisher, J., Cornell, D., Hopp, F., Weber, R.

Sat, May 26, 12:30 to 13:45, Hilton Old Town, M, Chopin
The Moral Narrative Analyzer for Movies: A Hybrid Content-Analytical Platform for Extracting Moral Content from Movie Scripts
Weber, R., Hopp, F., J. Mangus, J.M., Fisher J., Choueiti, M., Pieper, K., Smith, S.

Sat, May 26, 14:00 to 15:15, Hilton Old Town, M, Mozart II
Organizing, Explaining, and Critiquing the Application of Statistical fMRI Analyses in Communication Science
Turner, B., Huskey, R., Weber, R.

“Look Harder!” ADHD, Media Multitasking, and the Effects of Cognitive and Perceptual Load on Resource Availability and Processing Performance. Top 6 Paper
Fisher, J., Hopp, F., Weber, R.

Organized Complexity in Communication Science: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Psychophysiological Methods in Communication
Keene, J.R., Adams, R., Najera, C., Fisher, J., Berke, C., Bolls, P.

Sun, May 27, 12:30 to 13:45, Hilton Prague, LL, Congress Hall II – Exhibit Hall
Biological Markers of Sex: Two Studies Comparing Direct and Indirect Methods of 2D:4D Ratio Measurement
Lonergan, C., Weber, R.

Sun, May 27, 15:30 to 16:45, Hilton Prague, M, Hercovka
Combining Computational Content Analysis With Self-Report Data to Predict News Article Sharing
Hopp, F., Fisher, J., Mangus, J.M., Weber, R.

Mon, May 28, 8:00 to 9:15, Hilton Prague, LL, Congress Hall III
First Aid in the Pocket: The Psychosocial Benefits of Smartphones in Self-Threatening Situations
Schneider, F., Rieger, D., Hopp, F., Rothmund, T.

Mon, May 28, 11:00 to 12:15, Hilton Prague, M, Grand Ballroom
Tend-and-Befriend Theory: Towards Integration Into Research on Communication and Hormonal Stress Response
Lonergan, C.

Mon, May 28, 14:00 to 15:15, Hilton Prague, M, Rokoska
Mining the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT): An Introduction for Communication Researchers
Hopp, F., Fisher, J., Mangus, J.M., Huskey, R., Swanson, R., Gordon, A., Khooshabeh, P., Weber, R.

Mon, May 28, 17:00 to 18:15, Hilton Prague, M, Grand Ballroom
Are Media Induced Flow Experiences Energetically Optimized?
A Test of the Synchronization Theory of Flow’s Optimality Hypothesis. Top 6 Paper
Huskey, R., Wilcox, S., Weber, R.